Children’s Ministry

Children are important at Mission Village.
Our talented and creative Children’s Ministry staff help our kids of all ages to know and love Jesus.


Our nursery staff provides a safe and loving environment to care for your child during the worship service. With different stations in our Nursery Room, newborns to preschoolers can be engaged at their level to have fun and learn about God’s love for them.

Sunday School

Sunday School is for kids Kindergarten through 5th grade, and it is an awesome time. From building catapults to talking rocks, our kids learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with God.
Sunday School takes place during the worship service. Kids start out in the worship service with their parents, and then will be dismissed for Sunday School after a time of musical praise and worship. This allows our kids get to be a part of our larger church family on Sunday mornings, but to also get a lesson that is tailored to their age level.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is held annually see our events tab for information and to pre-register.
Stories read by Hannah French:
(click on each story’s title)